Am 10. Februar hielt das Komitee für den antiimperialistischen Kampf eine Kundgebung am Olvenstedter Platz ab. Circa 30 Menschen beteiligten sich.
Nach einer Schweigeminute für Birsen Kars, wurden einige Redebeiträge zu den 11 türkischen und kurdischen Revolutionären, welche in Griechenland eingesperrt sind, gehalten.
Am Abend fand eine Info-Veranstaltung zu dem Thema statt. Es wurde über die Gefangenen, ihre Situation und das Gerichtsverfahren gesprochen.
Bericht vom Komitee:
„On February 10, 2022, we held an
action and a panel as the We Want Justice
committee in #Magdeburg, Germany.
About 30 people attended the action. We started
with a moment of silence for Birsen Kars. After that,
we talked about her and 11 revolutionaries
imprisoned in #Greece in three different languages.
Slogans were shouted in the action, marches were
singing, agitations were taken. In addition, a banner
reading „Birsen Kars is Immortal“ was circulated in
the crowd.
A Panel was held after the Action. This panel started
around 18:30. About 25 people attended the panel.
There were people from three different institutions.
We talked about our prisoners in the panel. We gave
information about their current situation. We talked
about the court. We invited to participants the
symposium that will be held in Athens on March 26.
Then we got connected with Ali Ercan Gökoglu, one
of the Free Prisoners of Greece. He also gave us
information about the upcoming process and the
court. He also told us about the day of the operation
when 11 prisoners were arrested.
We Want Justice for 11 Revolutionary Prisoners!
birsenkars is Immortal!“
-We Want Justice Committee-