Schlagwort: Palästina

Smoke plumes billow during an Israeli army raid in the Jenin camp for Palestinian refugees in the occupied West Bank on March 7, 2023. - Israeli troops killed one Palestinian and wounded several others in a raid in Jenin on March 7, the Palestinian health ministry said. Witnesses in the refugee camp reported heavy gunfire between militants and soldiers as the Israeli forces surrounded a house. The Israeli army said "security forces are currently operating in the Jenin camp", but gave no further details. (Photo by JAAFAR ASHTIYEH / AFP)

Palästina: Sechs Tote bei israelischer Razzia in Jenin

Im Flüchtlingslager Jenin kam es gestern zu einer weiteren tödlichen Razzia der Besatzungstruppen. Das erklärte Ziel der Operation war die Verhaftung des Widerstandskämpfers, der am […]
