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People`s Front member İnan Doğan was arrested in Germany

Around 9:00, on 15 December (Saturday), while driving to Hamburg, the vehicle of İnan Doğan, a member of the Marxist-Leninist movement People’s Front , was stopped by the German police. Doğan was taken off the car and then detained by the police. According to the information received, the reason for his detention is an international search warrant issued by INTERPOL at the request of the fascist authorities in Turkey.

İnan Doğan was forced to leave his home country, due to the repressions of fascist regime. For this reason, he has been granted political asylum in Belgium, where he has been living for eight years.

The German court has imposed a permanent measure of detaining of İnan Doğan as he was transferred to the detention facility. According to information provided by the People’s Front, Doğan began hunger to prottest against his illegal detention and subsequent arrest. İnan Doğan `s hunger strike continues at this moment, as there is still no information about his health conditions and when he will be brought to the court to decide whether he will be extradited to the fascist power in Turkey or released.



İnan Doğan
Cloppenburger Str. 400, 26133 Oldenburg