November, Shut it Down für Palästina: Veranstaltungen und Aktionen gegen Imperialismus und Zionismus

Liebe Freunde und Kameraden von Samidoun und der palästinensischen Sache,
Donnerstag, der 9. November ist ein internationaler Aktionstag, um die imperialistische/zionistische Kriegsmaschinerie zu stoppen, die das palästinensische Volk angreift und einen Völkermord in Gaza verübt. Es ist ein Tag der direkten Aktionen, Arbeitsniederlegungen, Sit-ins, Streiks, Arbeitsaktionen, Proteste, Kundgebungen, öffentlichen Kunstaktionen und Interventionen für die Befreiung Palästinas und ein Ende des Völkermords, um die Belagerung zu beenden, palästinensische Gefangene zu befreien, die imperialistische Komplizenschaft bei der Kolonisierung und dem Völkermord an Palästina zu beenden und für Gerechtigkeit und Freiheit für Palästina, vom Fluss bis zum Meer.
Im Folgenden finden Sie eine umfangreiche Liste von Aktionen aus dem Kalender des Widerstands für Palästina, an denen Sie sich in Ihrer Region beteiligen können – und besuchen Sie den Kalender für noch mehr Aktionen. Der Kalender wird mehrmals täglich mit Aktionen auf der ganzen Welt aktualisiert, die von vielen verschiedenen Gruppen und Organisationen organisiert werden.
Überall auf der Welt demonstrieren Millionen für Palästina. Über 300.000 Menschen gingen in Washington, DC, im Bauch der Bestie, auf die Straße, um sich an die Seite des palästinensischen Volkes gegen den zionistischen Völkermord zu stellen.
Überall auf der Welt demonstrieren Millionen für Palästina. Mehr als 300.000 gingen in Washington, DC, im Bauch der Bestie, auf die Straße, um sich an die Seite des palästinensischen Volkes gegen den zionistischen Völkermord zu stellen. Arbeiter von Belgien über Japan bis Barcelona haben sich geweigert, Waffen für das Besatzungsregime zu verladen und zu transportieren, während Block the Boat-Proteste von Oakland bis Tacoma die Beladung von US-Militärschiffen mit Kriegsmaterial verzögert, blockiert und konfrontiert haben. Direkte Aktionen von Palestine Action fordern Elbit Systems von Cambridge bis Leicester heraus. Auf Bahnhöfen, in Parlaments- und Kongressbüros und auf öffentlichen Plätzen setzen sich Menschen für die Befreiung Palästinas ein.
Gleichzeitig eskaliert die Repression, vom Verbot von Samidoun in Deutschland bis zu den wiederholten Verboten von Demonstrationen in Frankreich und Deutschland, der Verhaftung und Untersuchung von Aktivisten in London und Frankreich unter dem Scheinvorwurf der „Entschuldigung für Terrorismus“, weil sie sich zum palästinensischen Widerstand geäußert haben, die Verhaftung eines Protestorganisators durch die Polizei von Calgary, weil er gesagt hatte: „Vom Fluss bis zum Meer wird Palästina frei sein“, der Versuch, die Studenten für Gerechtigkeit in Palästina in Florida zu dechartieren, die „Doxing“-Kampagnen und kapitalistischen Zensurmaßnahmen von Moxie’s bis Starbucks: All dies zeigt eines – die Ausrichtung des imperialistischen Lagers auf den Zionismus und seine Panik und Verwirrung angesichts der Tatsache, dass die Menschen auf der Seite Palästinas stehen.
All dies geschieht natürlich in erster Linie, weil der palästinensische Widerstand vor Ort mit allen Mitteln kämpft, um Palästina nicht nur vor dem Völkermord zu verteidigen, sondern es zu befreien und den Besatzer zu besiegen, um den Sieg über seine Bomben, seine Kriegsmaschinerie und seine imperialen Verbündeten zu erringen, indem er die Welt mit seinem unglaublichen Mut und seinem Engagement im Angesicht eines faschistischen völkermörderischen Angriffs inspiriert und eine echte Hoffnung für die Menschheit darstellt.

Wir laden Sie ein, sich Samidoun anzuschließen, unsere Arbeit zu unterstützen und unsere Stimme – und die kollektive Stimme Palästinas und der palästinensischen Gefangenenbewegung – zu verstärken. Wir können auf die Unterdrückung inmitten des Völkermords nur mit mehr Aktionen, mehr Organisierung und mehr Klarheit bei der Befürwortung und Ergreifung von Maßnahmen reagieren, um den Völkermord zu beenden, die imperialistische Unterstützung und Komplizenschaft mit dem Zionismus zu beenden und für die palästinensische Befreiung vom Fluss bis zum Meer einzustehen. Schreiben Sie uns an, um herauszufinden, wie Sie sich beteiligen können.
Wir möchten auch um Ihre Unterstützung in diesem beispiellosen Moment der Mobilisierung bitten. Aufgrund der zionistischen Angriffe können wir keine regelmäßigen Online-Spenden entgegennehmen. Wenn Sie Samidoun eine Spende per Scheck zukommen lassen möchten (in den Vereinigten Staaten), schicken Sie Ihren Scheck an:
„Alliance for Global Justice“ oder „AfGJ“ an:
225 E 26th St., Suite 1, Tucson, AZ 85713
Bitte geben Sie in der Memo-Zeile „Samidoun“ an. Nur Schecks von in den USA ansässigen Bankinstituten.
Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Handeln, Ihre Unterstützung und Ihre Mobilisierung für Palästina. Mit den Worten von Georges Abdallah, dem libanesisch-arabischen Kämpfer für Palästina, der fast 40 Jahre lang in Frankreich inhaftiert war, werden wir gemeinsam, und nur gemeinsam, siegen.
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November 9, Shut it Down for Palestine: Events and Actions confronting Imperialism and Zionism

Dear all friends and comrades of Samidoun and the Palestinian cause,

Thursday, November 9 is an international day of action to shut down the imperialist/Zionist war machine targeting the Palestinian people and carrying out a genocide in Gaza. It is a day of direct actions, walk-outs, sit-ins, strikes, labour actions, protests, rallies, public art actions and interventions for the liberation of Palestine and an end to the genocide, to break the siege, liberate Palestinian prisoners, end imperialist complicity in the colonization and genocide of Palestine, and for justice and freedom for Palestine, from the river to the sea.

Read below for an extensive list of actions from the Calendar of Resistance for Palestine that you can join in your area – and visit the Calendar for even more actions. The Calendar is updated multiple times daily with actions around the world organized by many diverse groups and organizations.

Everywhere around the world, millions are marching for Palestine. Over 300,000 took the streets of Washington, DC, in the belly of the beast, to stand with the Palestinian people against Zionist genocide. Labourers from Belgium to Japan to Barcelona have refused to load and carry weaponry for the occupation regime, while Block the Boat protests from Oakland to Tacoma have delayed, blocked and confronted US military ships loading war materiel. Palestine Action direct actions are challenging Elbit Systems from Cambridge to Leicester. In train stations, parliamentary and congressional offices and public venues, people are sitting in for Palestinian liberation.

At the same time, the escalating repression, from the ban of Samidoun in Germany to the repeated prohibitions on demonstrations in France and Germany, the arrest and investigation of activists in London and France on bogus charges of „apology for terrorism“ for speaking out on Palestinian resistance, the Calgary Police arrest of a protest organizer for saying „From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,“ the attempt to decharter Students for Justice in Palestine in Florida, the doxing campaigns and capitalist censorship actions from Moxie’s to Starbucks: all of these show one thing — the alignment of the imperialist camp with Zionism, and its panic and disarray at the reality: that the people stand with Palestine.

And, of course, all of this comes, first and foremost, as the Palestinian Resistance is struggling on the ground by all means not only to defend Palestine from the genocide, but to liberate it and to defeat the occupier, to achieve victory over its bombs, its war machine and its imperial allies, inspiring the world with incredible bravery and commitment in the face of a fascist genocidal onslaught, presenting true hope for humanity.


We invite you to join Samidoun, to support our work, and to amplify our voice — and the collective voice of Palestine and the Palestinian prisoners‘ movement. We can only respond to repression amid genocide with more action, more organizing and more clarity in advocating and taking action to end the genocide, sever imperialist support and complicity with Zionism and stand for Palestinian liberation, from the river to the sea. Write us at to find out how you can get involved.

We also want to ask for your support amid this unprecedented moment of mobilization. Due to Zionist attacks, we cannot receive regular online donations. To make a donation to Samidoun via check (in the United States), send your check to:

“Alliance for Global Justice” or “AfGJ” at :
225 E 26th St., Suite 1, Tucson, AZ 85713
Please indicate „Samidoun“ in the memo line. Checks from US-based banking institutions only.

Thank you for your action, your support and your mobilization for Palestine. In the words of Georges Abdallah, the Lebanese Arab struggler for Palestine imprisoned in France for nearly 40 years, It is together, and only together, that we shall win.


PODCAST: Criminalizing solidarity: Germany's ban on Samidoun and the attack on civil activism
VIDEO INTERVIEW: Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Despite the genocide, “Israel” will be defeated: There is no place for Zionism in Palestine


Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network urges all Palestinian, Arab and international supporters of Palestine to escalate their organizing and struggle to stand with the heroic Palestinian resistance and confront colonial Zionist genocide and imperialist complicity.

These events are organized by many groups around the world — wherever possible, we link to the original organizers so that you can be in direct contact! Please note: this list is for action-oriented/outdoor/protest actions specifically. However, direct actions like those by Palestine Action are some of the most important events taking place — but they are typically not announced in advance!

Please also see the site for the November 9 Day of Action:

TO ADD YOUR EVENT TO THE CALENDAR: Email us at or tag us on social media! We know that these events are mainly international and that the Arab people are marching everywhere for Palestine — we will be honored to add Arab events.

PLEASE NOTE: Times and details may change. Wherever we have it, we have linked to the original organizers’ accounts, posters and pages. Please follow these for the latest info – and don’t hesitate to send us updates!

Thursday, November 9

ALBANY, NY (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 4 pm, 19 Dove St. Info:
ALBUQUERQUE, NM  (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 11:30 am, Zimmerman Plaza. Info:
AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS – Thurs Nov 9, 7 pm, Centraal Station.
ANN ARBOR, MI (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12 pm, Umich Diag. Info:
ARNHEM, NETHERLANDS – Thurs Nov 9, 6:30 pm, Arnhem centrum. Info:
ATHENS, GA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12:30 pm, Tate Plaza. Info:
ATLANTA, GA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 11:45 am, The Green Space, 29 Peachtree Center Ave SE, UGA. Info:
ATLANTA, GA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 6 pm, Israeli Consulate, 1100 Spring St NW. Info:
BALTIMORE, MD (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 3 pm, MLK Blvd and W Mulberry. Info:
BALTIMORE, MD (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 3 pm, Rep. Kweisi Mfume’s Office, 1010 Park Ave.
BALTIMORE, MD (US) – GOUCHER COLLEGE – Thurs Nov 9, 11 am, 1021 Dulaney Valley Rd
BARCELONA, CATALONIA – Thurs Nov 9, 7 pm, Ronda del Port to C. Circumvalacio Tram. Info:
BARD COLLEGE (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 1 pm, Ludlow, Annandale-on-Hudson NY. Info:
BATON ROUGE, LA ( US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12 pm, LSU Student Union Building/Free Speech Alley
BERGEN, NORWAY – Thurs Nov 9, 4 pm, Den Bla Steinen, Ole Bulls plass. Info:
BOCA RATON, FL (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 3 pm, Elbit Systems/Real Time Laboratories, 990 S Rogers Cir #5. Info:
BOSTON, MA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12 pm, Ritz-Carlton, 10 Avery St (Protest Kamala Harris). Info:
BOSTON, MA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 1:45 pm, Tsai Performance Center, Boston University. Info:
BOSTON, MA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 2 pm, Lower Campus Center, Tufts University. Info:
BOSTON, MA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 2:30 pm, Campus Center Terrace, UMass Boston. Info:
BOSTON, MA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 11:20 am, 160 Mass Ave benches, Berklee College Info:
BOSTON, MA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 11:50 am, Widener Steps (Day of Mourning, Harvard University. Info:
BOSTON, MA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12:30 pm, Centennial Quad, Northeastern University. Info:
BOULDER, CO (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 11 am, UMC Fountain Court. Info:
BROOKLYN, NY (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 9 am, Yvette Clarke’s office, 222 Lenox Rd.  Info:
BROOKLYN, NY (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12:30 pm, Brooklyn College Walk-Out, 2900 Bedford Ave, Campus Entrance. Info:
BRYN MAWR COLLEGE (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 8 am, Taylor Drive. Info:
BUFFALO, NY (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 3:30 pm, Alumni Arena, University of Buffalo. Info:
BURNABY, BC (CANADA) – Thurs Nov 9, 1 pm, Convo Mall, SFU. Info:
CHARLESTON, WV (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12 pm, Charleston Capital. Info:
CHARLESTON, SC (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12 pm, Marion Square
CHARLOTTE, NC (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 1 pm, 8838 Craver Blvd, UNC Charlotte Campus Sit-In
CHATTANOOGA, TN (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 5 pm, 900 Georgia Ave (Rep Chuck Fleischmann office). Info:
CHICAGO, IL (US) -Thurs Nov 9, 3 pm, Ida B Wells and Michigan (SUBJECT TO CHANGE). Info:
CHICAGO, IL (US) – UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO – Thurs Nov 9, 11 am, Levi Hall. Info:
CLAREMONT COLLEGES (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 7 am to 3 pm, Meet at Coop/SCC, Pomona College. Info:
CLEVELAND, OH (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 5 pm, W. 25th Market Square. Info:
COLUMBIA, SC (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 1 pm, 1400 Green St in front of Russell House. Info:
COLUMBUS, OH (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 3:30 pm, 200 N High Street. Info:
COPENHAGEN, DENMARK – Thurs Nov 9, 5 pm, Amagerbrogade to DR Byen, Amagerfaelledvej. Info:
CORK, IRELAND – Thurs Nov 9, 1 pm, Silent Protest, UCC Students’ Union Garden. Info:
CORK, IRELAND -Thurs Nov 9, 5 pm, UCC Campus Outside the Main Rest/Boole. Info:
CORNELL UNIVERSITY (NY, US) – Thurs Nov 9, 3 pm, Klarman Hall Ithaca. Info:
DEARBORN, MI (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12 pm, behind UC Building, UMD. info:
DENVER, CO (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 2 pm, Golda Meir House, Auraria Campus, march to Capitol. Info:
DENVER, CO (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 3 pm, Colorado State Capitol. Info:
DENVER UNIVERSITY (CO, US) – Thurs Nov 9, 1 pm, Katherine Ruffatto Hall. Info:
DETROIT, MI (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 8 am, Sen Debbie Stabenow, 719 Griswold St, Ste 700. Info:
DON LAOGHAIRE, IRELAND – Thurs Nov 9, 5:30, Bottom of Marine Rd. Info:
DUBLIN, IRELAND – Thurs Nov 9, 8 pm, Adamstown Community Centre. Info
DURHAM, NH (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 1 pm, Thompson Hall Lawn, 99 Main St
EARLHAM COLLEGE (IN, US) – Thurs Nov 9, 10 am, The Heart. Info:
EDMONTON, ALBERTA (CANADA) – Thurs Nov 9, 2:10 pm, Outside of Health, Macewan University. Info:
EDMONTON, ALBERTA (CANADA) – Thurs Nov 9, 2:10 pm, Outside Education Bldg, University of Alberta. Info:
ELLENSBURG, WA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 3 pm, 104 W 4th Ave. Info:
FAIRBORN, OH (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 4:30 pm, Colonel Glenn Hwy and Executive Blvd Sidewalk
FRESNO, CA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 2:30 pm, Blackstone and Shaw corners
FULLERTON, CA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 2 pm, Humanities Quad, CSUF. Info:
GARLAND, TX (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 10 am, 310 Garland Ave, Garland High School Walkout
GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12:30 pm, Wilkins Plaza. Info:
GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 1 pm, Kogan Plaza. Info:
GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12:45 pm, Red Square. Info:
GUINARDO, CATALONIA – Thurs Nov 9, 7 pm,Teodor Llorente. Info:
HAVERFORD COLLEGE (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 4 pm, Founders Green. Info:
HAYWARD, CA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 11:15 am, Mount Eden Park (Impact Academy Walkout and March)
HOUSTON, TX (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 2 pm, 3100 Cleburne St, Thurgood Marshall School of Law
HOUSTON, TX (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 2:30 pm, Ray Courtyard, Rice University. Info:
IRVINE, CA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12:45 pm, Flagpoles, UCI. Info:
KENYON COLLEGE (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12:45 pm, Front steps of Rose Hall. Info:
KINGSTON, NY (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 5 pm, 307 Wall St. Info:
LAS CRUCES, NM (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12 pm, Corbett Center Student Union, International Mall, NMSU
LAS VEGAS, NV (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 9:30 am, Flora Duncan Humanities Building, 4505 S Maryland Parkway, UNLV. Info:
LEYTONSTONE, ENGLAND – Thurs Nov 9, 5 pm, Leytonstone Station. Info:
LONDON, ENGLAND – Thurs Nov 9, 12 pm, Centre Building Plaza, LSE. Info:
LONDON, ENGLAND – Thurs Nov 9, 12:30 pm, Strand Campus, Kings College London. Info:
LOS ANGELES, CA (US) – Thurs Nov 9 SCHOOL WALKOUT, 12 pm, 5151 State University Drive, CSULA
LOS ANGELES, CA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 5 pm, 2936 W 8th St
LOS ANGELES, CA (US) – UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA – Thurs Nov 9, 1:15 pm, Tommy Trojan. Info:
LOS ANGELES, CA (US) – UCLA – Thurs Nov 9, 12 pm, Bruin Plaza, Westwood.
LOUISVILLE, KY (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12:30 pm, Outside the BAB. Info:
MADISON, WI (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 3 pm, Wisconsin State Capitol. Info:–apreHT/
MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (MA, US) – Thurs Nov 9, all day (8 am to 8 pm), Infinite Corridor. Info:
MELBOURNE/NARRM, AUSTRALIA – Thurs Nov 9, 5:45 pm, Victoria State Library. Info:
MELUN, FRANCE – Thurs Nov 9, 12 pm, Commissariat de Melun, 51 rue du General de Gaulle. (Rally against police repression.) Info:
MIAMI UNIVERSITY (OH, US) – Thurs Nov 9, 5:30 pm, Armstrong Student Center, Oxford, OH. Info:
MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE (VT, US) – Thurs Nov 9 (Vigil), 5:30 pm, Middlebury Chapel. Info:
MILWAUKEE, WI (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 4:30 pm, Milwaukee City Hall. Info:
MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO (CANADA) – Thurs Nov 9, 3 pm, Student Centre, UTM. Info:
MONTREAL, QUEBEC/UQAM – Thurs Nov 9, 12:30 pm, Agora du Judith-Jasmin. Info:
MONTREAL, QUEBEC – Thurs Nov 9, 1 pm, Y-Intersection McGill. Info:
MONTREAL, QUEBEC – Thurs Nov 9, 2 pm, Rue Guy/Maisonneuve. Info:
NAAS, IRELAND – Thurs Nov 9, 7 pm, Courthouse (Vigil). Info:
NEWARK, NJ (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 3:30 pm, Office of Sen. Booker, 1 Gateway Center. Info:
NEWARK NJ (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 5 pm, Prudential Center 25 Lafayette St, Newark. Info:
NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 2 pm, Brower Commons, Rutgers University. Info:
NEW ORLEANS, LA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 3 pm, Lafayette Square. Info:
NEWPORT NEWS, VA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 1 pm, Great Lawn, Christopher Newport University. Info:
NEW YORK, NY (US) – Thurs Nov 9 all day – Schools Out for Ceasefire Now. Info:
NEW YORK, NY (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12 pm, AFL-CIO regional office, 211 E. 43rd St (Labor for Palestine action). Info:
NEW YORK, NY (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 3 pm, Bryant Park. Info:
NEW YORK, NY (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 2 pm, Low Steps, Columbia University. Info:
NEW YORK, NY (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12 pm, Columbia Irving Medical Center, Die-In
OAKLAND, CA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 4:30 pm, Oakland Federal Building, 1301 Clay St. Info:
OBERLIN COLLEGE (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 1:45 pm, Tappan Memorial Arch. Info:
OCCIDENTAL COLLEGE (CA, US) – Thurs Nov 9, 11:30 am, AGC. Info:
ORLANDO, FL (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 2:30 pm, DM on Instagram for address. Info:
OXFORD, ENGLAND – Thurs Nov 9, 12 pm, Barclays, Cornmarket St
PARIS, FRANCE – Thurs Nov 9, 12:30 pm, Commissariat du 12E, 22 rue de l’Aubrac (protest against police detention of Maryam Abu Daqqa). Info:
PATERSON, NJ (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 3 pm, 200 Federal Plaza. Info:
PENSACOLA, FL (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12:30 pm, University Commons, UWF
PHILADELPHIA, PA (US) – TEMPLE UNIVERSITY – Thurs Nov 9, 11:30 am, Bell Tower. Info:
PHILADELPHIA, PA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 4:30 pm, City Hall
PHILADELPHIA, PA (US) – DREXEL UNIVERSITY – Thurs Nov 9, 4 pm, Lancaster Walk. Info:
PHILADELPHIA, PA (US) – UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA – Thurs Nov 9, 12 pm, Penn Button. Info:
PHILADELPHIA, PA (US) – FRIENDS SELECT – Thurs Nov 9, 1:10 pm, 17th and 1651 Benjamin Franklin Pkway Place.
PHOENIXVILLE, PA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 4 pm, Bridge St and Main St. Info:
PITTSBURGH, PA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 3 pm, CMU Campus to Sky Statue. Info:
PLEASANTON, CA (US)- Thurs Nov 9, 7:30 am, Protest Boeing, 5753 W Las Positas Blvd
POBLE SEC, CATALONIA – Thurs Nov 9, 7 pm, Placa del Molino. Info:
PORTLAND, OR (US) – REED COLLEGE – Thurs Nov 9, 1:30 pm, Walkout and Rally at Eliot Circle. Info:
PORTLAND, OR (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 3 pm, 121 SW Salmon St. Info:
PORTO, PORTUGAL  – Thurs Nov 9, 3 pm, FLUP. Info:
PRINCETON UNIVERSITY (NJ, US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12 pm, Frist South Lawn. Info:
PROVIDENCE, RI (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12 pm, 40 Westminster St (Textron)
PROVIDENCE, RI (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 11 am, 212 Huxley Ave, Providence College Walkout
QUEENS, NY (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 10:30 am, NYS Sen Stavisky’s office, 142-29 37th Ave.
QUEENS, NY (US) – Thurs Oct 9, 2 pm, CUNY Law Procession, 2 Court Square.
RALEIGH, NC (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 11:30 am, Moore Square. Info:
RAVAL, BARCELONA, CATALONIA – Thurs Nov 9, 7 pm, La Rambla – Liceu. Info:
RICE UNIVERSITY (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 2:30 pm, Ray Courtyard. Info:
RICHLAND, WA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 3 pm, 815 George Washington Way. Info:
RICHMOND, VA (US) – Thurs Oct 9, 1 pm, Compass in front of Library, VCU. 901 Park Ave. Info:
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Thurs Nov 9, 5 pm, US Consulate. Info:
ROCHESTER, NY (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12 pm, Rush Rhees Library, 755 Library Road. Info:
SAINT JOHN, NEW BRUNSWICK (CANADA) – Thurs Nov 9, 5:30 pm, City Hall. Info:
SALT LAKE CITY, UT (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12 pm, 260 South Central Campus Drive, University of Utah
SAMMAMISH, WA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, Pine Lake Middle School Walkout. Info:
SAN ANTONIO, TX (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 11 am, East Lawn, Texas A&M University SA. Info:
SAN ANTONIO, TX (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12 pm, Sombrilla grass, UTSA walkout. Info:
SAN DIEGO, CA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 7:30 am, Northrop Grumman HQ, 9356 Spectrum Center Blvd. Info:
SAN DIEGO, CA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 11:15 am, 333 F St, Ste A, Chula Vista (Rep. Vargas office)
SAN DIEGO, CA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12 pm,T. Denny Sanford Medical Education and Telemedicine Center (Healthcare walkout)
SAN DIEGO, CA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12:30 pm, Wong Avery Library, UCSD. Info:
SAN FRANCISCO, CA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12 pm, 2130 Fulton St, USFCA
SAN FRANCISCO, CA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 2 pm SF Federal Building. Info:
SAN FRANCISCO, CA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 3 pm, Bay Area Youth Walkout, Civic Center
SANTA BARBARA, CA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 11 am, 125 East de la Guerra. Info:
SANTA BARBARA, CA (US) -Thurs Nov 9, 5 pm (Vigil), Storke Lawn. Info:
SANTA CLARA, CA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 10 am, 3000 Mission College Blvd, Mission College
SANT ANDREU, CATALONIA – Thurs Nov 9, 7 pm, Placa Orfila. Info:
SANTS, CATALONIA – Thurs Nov 9, 7 pm, Placa de Sants. Info:
SEATTLE, WA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, Walk out of class at 10:35, gather 12 pm, Seattle Federal Bldg, 909 First Ave. Info:
SEATTLE, WA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 1:30 pm, 2111 7th Ave, No Tech for Apartheid
SIOUX FALLS, SD (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 4 pm, 41st St and Louise Ave
SMITH COLLEGE (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12:15 pm, Chapin Lawn, Northampton. Info:
SPOKANE, WA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 1:30 pm, 850 E Spokane Falls Blvd
SPOKANE, WA (US) – GONZAGA UNIVERSITY – Thurs Nov 9, 12:30 pm, Foley Lawn, 502 E Boone Ave.
ST. LOUIS, MO (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 9 am, 111 10th St (Hawley’s Office). Info:
ST. LOUIS, MO (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 2 pm, Salam Market Manchester. Info:
ST. LOUIS, MO (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 5 pm, Chouteau Park. Info:
THE NEW SCHOOL (NY, US) – Thurs Nov 9, 2:15 pm, Outside the UC. Info:
TOLEDO, OH (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 4 pm, Sylvania and Talmadge (Mock funeral, March for our Martyrs). Info:
TORONTO, ON (CANADA) – Thurs Nov 9, 8 am, location TBA at 8 am – Jews and allies action. Info:
TORRANCE, CA (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 12 pm, 1000 W Carson St, Harbor UCLA Medical Center Walkout/Sit-In
TRINITAT VELLA, CATALONIA – Thurs Nov 9, 6:30 pm, Placa de la Trinitat. Info:
TUCSON, AZ (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 2:30 pm, Old Main, University of Arizona. Info:
TUFTS UNIVERSITY (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 2 pm, Lower CC. Info:
TULANE UNIVERSITY/LOYOLA UNIVERSITY (US) – Thurs Nov 9, 1 pm Walkout, Tulane ROTC Building
URBANA, IL (US) – UIUC – Thurs Nov 9, 12 pm, 702 S Wright St
VANCOUVER, BC (CANADA) – UBC – Thurs Nov 9, 2 pm, Outside the Nest. Info:
VANCOUVER, BC (CANADA) – EMILY CARR UNIVERSITY – Thurs Nov 9, 11 am, President’s Office.
VANCOUVER, BC (CANADA) – Thurs Nov 9, 3 pm, Musical Direct Action before Mass Rally, Vancouver Art Gallery. Info:
VANCOUVER, BC (CANADA) – Thurs Nov 9, 5:30 pm, Vancouver Art Gallery. info:
VASSAR COLLEGE (NY, US) – Thurs Nov 9, 5 pm, 307 Wall St, Kingston NY. Info:
WALLA WALLA, WA (US) – Thurs Oct 9, 10 am, 345 Boyer Ave (Student Strike, Whitman)
WASHINGTON, DC (US) – Thurs Oct 9, 4 pm, State Department. Info:
WILLIAM PATERSON UNIVERSITY (NJ, US) – Thurs Oct 9, 12:30 pm, Common Hour – Zanfino Plaza. Info:
WILMINGTON, NC (US) – Thurs Oct 9, 5 pm, 316 Princess St. Info:

Friday, November 10

AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS – Fri Nov 10, 7 pm, Centraal Station.
ATLANTA, GA (US) – Fri Nov 10 thru Mon Nov 13, Block Cop City – From Atlanta to Gaza. March on the construction site:
AUCKLAND, NZ – Fri Nov 10, 3 pm, Britomart Train Station. Info:
BERGEN, NORWAY – Fri Nov 10, 4 pm, Den Bla Steinen, Ole Bulls plass. Info:
BERLIN, GERMANY – Fri Nov 10, 6 pm, Checkpoint Charlie. Info:
BIRMINGHAM, UK – Fri Nov 10, 1 pm, Green Heart, University of Birmingham. Info:
BRAGA, PORTUGAL – Fri Nov 10, 9:30 pm, Rua do Castelo and Rua do Souto (Vigil). Info:
CALGARY, AB (CANADA) – Fri Nov 10, 2:15 pm, Outide Mac Hall, University of Calgary. Info:
CHICAGO, IL (US) – Fri Nov 10, 4 pm, 159 E Monroe. Info:
COPENHAGEN, DENMARK – Fri Nov 10, 5 pm, Christinshavns torv to Kongens Nytorv. Info:
DAR ES SALAAM, TANZANIA – Fri Nov 10, 2 pm, Jangwani Mwendo Kasi Stand to Mnazi Mmoja. Info:
DAYTON OH (US) – Fri Nov 10, 3 pm, Courthouse Square. Info:
EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND – Fri Nov 10, 12 pm, EDI Uni Library. Info:
FORT COLLINS, CO (US) – Fri Nov 10, 3 pm, 1041 Woodward Way. Info:
FUENLABRADA, SPAIN – Fri Nov 10, 6 pm, Plaza de la Constitucion.
GENOA, ITALY – Fri Nov 10, 6 am, Varco San Benigno. PORT ACTION. Info:
GOLD COAST, AUSTRALIA – Fri Nov 10, 6 pm, Surfers Paradise Esplanade (Vigil.) Info:
KITCHENER-WATERLOO, ON (CANADA) – Fri Nov 10, 6 pm, Kitchener City Hall (Vigil)
LIMA, PERU – Fri Nov 10, 1 pm, Palacio de Torre Tagle, Jiron Ucayali 363. Info:
LINCOLN, NE (US) – Fri Nov 10, 3 pm, General Dynamics Plant, 4300 Industrial Ave. Info:
LONDON, ENGLAND – Fri Nov 10, 5 pm, Israeli Ambassador’s residence, 58 Avenue Road (Swiss Cottage station)
MANAMA, BAHRAIN – Fri Nov 10, 3:30 pm, BSAZ Society HQ, Adliya. Info:
MANCHESTER, ENGLAND – Fri Nov 10, 12 pm, Whitworth Arch, University of Manchester. Info:
MONTREAL, QUEBEC – Fri Nov 10, 5 pm, Dorchester Square. Info:
MUENSTER, GERMANY – Fri Nov 10, 7 pm, Bahnhof Muenster. Info:
NEW YORK, NY (US) – Fri Nov 10, 5 pm, Columbus Circle. Info:
PERTH, AUSTRALIA – Fri Nov 10, 6:30 pm (Vigil), Forrest Place. Info:
ROTTERDAM, NETHERLANDS – Fri Nov 10, 6 pm, Schouwburgplein. Info:
SAN PEDRO, CA (US) – Fri Nov 10, 5 pm, Corner Rally, 13th and Gaffey. Info:
TOKYO, JAPAN –  Fri Nov 10, 18:30, In front of United Nations University.
TOLEDO, OH (US) – Fri Nov 10, 1:30 pm, Promenade Park; Info:

Saturday, November 11

AGUILAS, SPAIN – Sat Nov 11, 5:30 pm, Plaza de Espana. Info:
ALBUQUERQUE, NM (US) – Sat Nov 11, 9:45 am, New Mexico Veterans Memorial Park, 1100 Louisiana Blvd SE. Info:
AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS – Sat Nov 11, 7 pm, Centraal Station.
AOSTA, ITALY – Sat Nov 11, 4 pm, Arco d’Augusto. Info:
ATLANTA, GA (US) – Sat Nov 11, 12 pm, Buckhead MARTA. Info:
ATLANTA, GA (US) – Fri Nov 10 thru Mon Nov 13, Block Cop City – From Atlanta to Gaza. March on the construction site:
AUCKLAND/TAMAKI MAKAURAU, NZ – Sat Nov 11, 2 pm, Band Rotunda Auckland Domain. Info:
BARCELONA, CATALONIA, SPAIN – Sat Nov 11, 5 pm, Placa Urquinaona. Info:
BERLIN, GERMANY – Sat Nov 11, 2 pm, Oranienplatz. Info:
BILBAO, BASQUE COUNTRY – Sat Nov 11, 6 pm, Eliptikatik. Info:
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM – Sat Nov 11, 2 pm, Noordstation/Gare du Nord. Info:
BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA – Sat Nov 11, Plaza del Sol. Info:
CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA – Sat Nov 11, 1 pm, Garema Place. Info:
CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA – Sat Nov 11, 12 pm, Muir St Masjied to Wale Street Office of the Premier. Info:
CHRISTCHURCH/OTAUTAHI, NEW ZEALAND – Sat Nov 11, 1 pm, Bridge of Remembrance –
DUBLIN, IRELAND – Sat Nov 11, 1 pm, The Spire. Info:
FREIBURG, GERMANY – Sat Nov 11, 3 pm, Stuehlinger Kirchplatz to Konzerthaus
GASTEIZ, BASQUE COUNTRY – Sat Nov 11, 6 pm, Bilbo Plazatik. Info:
GENEVA, SWITZERLAND — Sat Nov 11, 3:30 pm, Parc des Cropettes. Info:
GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN – Sat Nov 11, 2 pm, Gustaf Adolfs torg. Info:
GQEBERHA, SOUTH AFRICA – Sat Nov 11, 2 pm, Kings Beach Parking Lot to Shark Rock Pier. Info:
GRAZ, AUSTRIA – Sat Nov 11, 6 pm, Hauptbahnhof. Info:
HAMILTON/KIRIKIRIROA, NEW ZEALAND – Sat Nov 11, 1 pm, Wairere Dr and Naylor St. Info:
HARARE, ZIMBABWE – Sat Nov 11, 10 am, Bond Shopping Center, marching to UN WFP, British Embassy, EU Embassy. Info:
HASTINGS/HERETAUNGA, NEW ZEALAND – Sat Nov 11, 1 pm, Hastings Town Clock –
HAVERFORDWEST, WALES – Sat Nov 11, 2 pm, Castle Square. Info:
HENDAIA-IRUN, BASQUE COUNTRY – Sat Nov 11, 12 p, Hendaiako tren geltokia to Muga to CAF Irun. Info:
HUMBOLDT COUNTY, CA (US) – Sat Nov 11 and every Saturday Noon-2pm, Rally and March on the Arcata Plaza, Arcata, Humboldt County, CA (November 11, 18, 25 and December 2, 9, 16, 23, 30)
IRUNEA, BASQUE COUNTRY – Sat Nov 11, 12:30 pm, Gaztelu plazatik. Info:
JACKSONVILLE, FL (US) – Sat Nov 11, 4 pm, St Johns Town Center. Info:
LEIPZIG, GERMANY – Sat Nov 11, 1:30 pm, Rabet to Augustusplatz. Info:
LONDON, ENGLAND – Sat Nov 11, 12 pm, Hyde Park. Info:
MANCHESTER, ENGLAND – Sat Nov 11, 12 pm, Barclays Market St. Info:
MANCHESTER, NH (US) – Sat Nov 11, 1 pm, Veterans Park. Info:
MANNHEIM, GERMANY – Sat Nov 11, 4 pm, Alte Feuerwache
MIAMI, FL (US) – Sat Nov 11, 3 pm, Lummus Park. Info
MUNICH, GERMANY – Sat Nov 11, 3 pm, Hohenzollernplatz. Info:
NAPOLI, ITALY – Sat Nov 11, 3 pm. Piazza della Repubblica Info:
NASHVILLE, TN (US) – Sat Nov 11, 1 pm, Centennial Park Entrance, 2600 West End. Info:
NEWCASTLE, ENGLAND – Sat Nov 11, 12 pm, Barclays Bank, Northumberland Street. Info:
NEW PLYMOUTH/NGAMOTU, NEW ZEALAND – Sat Nov 11, 1 pm, The Landing, 1 Ariki St, Info:
NORFOLK, VA (US) – Sat Nov 11, 2 pm, St Pauls Blvd and City Hall Ave. Info:
PARIS, FRANCE -Sat Nov 11 3 pm, Place de la Republique. Info:
PALMERSTON NORTH/PAPAIOEA, NEW ZEALAND – Sat Nov 11, 2 pm, The Square by Verdict Cafe –
PERTH/BOORLOO, AUSTRALIA – Sat Nov 11, 5 pm, Forrest Place.
PHILADELPHIA, PA (US) – Sat Nov 11, 1 pm, N Broad St & W Girard Ave. Info:
PORT BOTANY, AUSTRALIA – BLOCK THE BOAT ACTION Sat Nov 11, 12 pm, Foreshore Boat Ramp, Foreshore Rd. Info:
PORTLAND, OR (US) – Sat Nov 11, 1 pm, Seawallcrest Park. Info:
QUEENS, NY (US) – Sat Nov 11, 6:30 pm, 173rd St & Hillside Ave, Queens. Info:
REUS, CATALONIA – Sat Nov 11, 6 pm, Mercat Central. Info:
RIBEIRAO PRETO, BRAZIL – Sat Nov 11, 9 am, Praca XV. Info:
SAINT JOHN, NEW BRUNSWICK (CANADA) – Sat Nov 11, 12 pm, King’s Square. Info:
SALVADOR, BRAZIL – Sat Nov 11, 9 am, Farol da Barra. Info:
SALT LAKE CITY, UT (US) – Sat Nov 11, 2 pm, Washington Square PArk. Info:
SHEFFIELD, ENGLAND – Sat Nov 11, 11 am, Ellesmere Green, march to Barkers Pool. Info:
SPRINGFIELD, MA (US) – Sat Nov 11, 2 pm, City Hall, Court Street. Info:
ST PAUL, MN (US) – Sat Nov 11, 2 pm, Cathedral Hill Park. Info:
TEMPE, AZ (US) – Sat Nov 11, 4 pm, Tempe Beach Park, 80 W Rio Salado Pkway. Info:
TOKYO, JAPAN – Sat, Nov 11, 5:30 pm, Four Hours of Shatila, Funabori Community Hall, Funabori station (Toei-Shinjuku line)
TOULOUSE, FRANCE – Sat Nov 11, 10:30 am, Jean Jaures to Arnaud Bernard. Info:
TROMSO, NORWAY – Sat Nov 11, 12 pm, Utenfor Radhuset. Info:
VENICE, CA (US) – Sat Nov 11, 10 am, Venice & Lincoln (Japanese American Memorial) March to Oakwood Park. Info:
VIC, BARCELONA, CATALONIA, SPAIN – Sat Nov 11, 7 pm, Art Protest, Placa Major de Vic. Info:
WATERBURY, CT (US) – Sat Nov 11, 3 pm, Waterbury City Hall. Info:
WILMINGTON, DE (US) – Sat Nov 11, 11 am, 909 Centre Road (March to Biden’s House). Info:
ZURICH, SWITZERLAND – Sat Nov 11, 4:30 pm, Helvetiaplatz/Ni Una Menos Platz. Info:
ZWOLLE, NETHERLANDS – Sat Nov 11, 2 pm, Rodetorenplein. Info:

Sunday, November 12

ALMERIA, SPAIN – Sun Nov 12, 12 pm, desde Puerta Purchena, Andalucia.
ALUCHE, SPAIN – Sun Nov 12, 12 pm, Gradas Parque de las Cruces to Aluche Metro. Info:
AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS – Sun Nov 12, 7 pm, Centraal Station.
ATLANTA, GA (US) – Fri Nov 10 thru Mon Nov 13, Block Cop City – From Atlanta to Gaza. March on the construction site:
AUSTIN, TX (US) – Sun Nov 12, 1 pm, Texas State Capitol. Info:
BALLINA, IRELAND – Sun Nov 12, 12 pm, Humbert Monument. Info:
BEND, CO (US) – Sun Nov 12, 2 pm, Peace Corner. Info:
BERGAMO, ITALY – Sun Nov 12, 4 pm, Piazzale Vittorio Veneto. Info:
BOLOGNA, ITALY – Sun Nov 12, 3 pm, Piazza dell’Unita. Info:
BOSTON, MA (US) – Sun Nov 12, 1 pm, Copley Square. Info:
BRANTFORD, ON (CANADA) – Sun Nov 12, 2 pm, 108 St George St.
BRIDGEWATER, NS (CANADA) – Sun Nov 12, 2 pm, 517 King St
BRISBANE/MEANJIN, AUSTRALIA – Sun Nov 12, 2 pm, King George Square. Info:
BROOKLYN, NY (US) – Sun Nov 12, Children’s March, 4:30 pm, Brooklyn Museum to Chuck Schumer’s house. Info:
CALGARY, AB (CANADA) – Sun Nov 12, 2 pm, City Hall
CHARLOTTETOWN, PEI (CANADA) – Sun Nov 12, 1:30 pm, Cenotaph on Grafton St
COIMBRA, PORTUGAL – Sun Nov 12, 3 pm, Praca da Republica. Info:
COLUMBUS, OH (US) – Sun Nov 12, 2 pm, Goodale Park, Info:
EDMONTON, AB (CANADA) – Sun Nov 12, 1 pm, 99 ave and 109 st, Violet King Henry Plaza (The Leg), Info:
ESSEN, GERMANY – Sun Nov 12, 2 pm, Hauptbahnhof (Ausgang Innenstadt)
FORT MCMURRAY, AB (CANADA) – Sun Nov 12, 1:30 pm, Rally and March 8600 Franklin Ave
FREDERICTON, NB (CANADA) – Sun Nov 12, 12 pm, City Hall
GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN – Sun Nov 12, 1 pm, Gustav Adolfs Torg. Info:
GRANADA, SPAIN – Sun Nov 12, 12 pm, Jardines del Triunfo to Paseo del Salon. Info:
GRAND FORKS, BC (CANADA) – Sun Nov 12, 1 pm, Lois Hagan Park
HALIFAX, NS (CANADA) – Sun Nov 12, 5 pm, Victoria Park
HONOLULU, HAWAII – Sun Nov 12, 3 pm, Ala Moana and Atkinson. Info:
KINGSTON, ONTARIO (CANADA) – Sun Nov 12, 2:30 pm, Kingston City Hall. Info:
KOLN, GERMANY – Sun Nov 12, 2 pm, Hauptbahnhof. Info:
LAS VEGAS, NV (US) – Sun Nov 12, 4 pm, 3355 S Las Vegas Blvd (front of Venetian). Info:
LONDON, ON (CANADA) – Sun Nov 12, 12 pm, Victoria Park. Info:
MALMO, SWEDEN – Sun Nov 12, 1 pm, Operan. Info:
MELBOURNE/NAARM, AUSTRALIA – Sun Nov 12, 12 pm, State Library Victoria. Info:
MONTREAL, QUEBEC – Sun Nov 12, 2 pm, Dorchester Square. Info:
MURCIA, SPAIN – Sun Nov 12, 5 pm, Plaza Fuensanta. Info:
NIAGARA FALLS, ON (CANADA) – Sun Nov 12, 2 pm, Clifton Hills/Niagara River Parkway
OTTAWA, ONTARIO (CANADA) – Sun Nov 12, 2 pm, Parliament Hill. Info:
PETERBOROUGH, ON (CANADA) – Sun Nov 12, 12 pm, Confederation Square
PORTO, PORTUGAL  – Sun Nov 12, 3 pm, from Cadeia da Relacao to Praca D. Joao. Info:
PORTO ALEGRE, BRAZIL – Sun Nov 12, 10 am, Redencao. Info:
QUEBEC CITY, QUEBEC – Sun Nov 12, 2 pm, Parlement du Quebec
SACKVILLE, NB (CANADA) – Sun Nov 12, 3 pm, Bill Johnson Memorial Park
SAINT JOHN, NEW BRUNSWICK (CANADA) – Sun Nov 12, 12 pm, King’s Square. Info:
SAN DIEGO, CA (US) – Sun Nov 12, 4 pm, Balboa Park Fountain (Vigil). Info:
SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO – Sun Nov 12, 2 pm, March from Capitol (South side) to Federal Court, Old San Juan. Info:
SASKATOON, SK (CANADA) – Sun Nov 12, 2:30 pm, 8th & Preston
SHERBROOKE, QUEBEC – Sun Nov 12, 3 pm, Marche de la Gare (every week)
STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN – Sun Nov 12, 1 pm, Riksdagen. Info:
SYDNEY/GADIGAL, AUSTRALIA – Sun Nov 12, 12:30 pm, Hyde Park Nth. Info:
TOKYO, JAPAN – Sun Nov 12, 2 pm, JR Shibuya Station Hachiko Square
TOLEDO, OH (US) – Sun Nov 12, 3 pm, Downtown. Info:
TORONTO, ON (CANADA) – Sun Nov 12, 1 pm, Nathan Philips Square. Info:
VICTORIA, BC (CANADA) – Sun Nov 12, 1 pm, 105 Belleville St
WINNIPEG, MANITOBA (CANADA) – Sun Nov 12, 1 pm, Manitoba Legislature. Info:
WOLFVILLE, NS (CANADA) – Sun Nov 12, 12 pm, Clock Park

Monday, November 13

ATLANTA, GA (US) – Fri Nov 10 thru Mon Nov 13, Block Cop City – From Atlanta to Gaza. March on the construction site:
CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA – Mon Nov 13, 12 pm, Parliament House. Info:
KITCHENER-WATERLOO, ON (CANADA) – Mon Nov 13, 5 pm, Kitchener City Hall. Info:
ONTARIO, CANADA – Mon Nov 13, 12:50 pm (3rd Period), High School Walkouts. Info:
TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY (US) – Mon Nov 13, 5:30 pm, Rudder Plaza (Vigil). Info:

Tuesday, November 14

INDIANAPOLIS, IN (US) – Tues Nov 14, 3:45 pm, Monument Circle West Side. Info:

Wednesday, November 15

SALT LAKE CITY, UT (US) – Wed Nov 15, 3 pm, Utah State Capitol. Info:

Thursday, November 16

HOUTHALEN-HELCHTEREN, BELGIUM – Thurs Nov 16, 7 pm, Jeugdhuis GWC. Info:
SPAIN – Thurs, Nov. 16. Across the country – Student strike for Palestine. Info:
TOKYO, JAPAN – Fri Nov 16, 6 pm, Israeli Embassy

Saturday, November 18

ANCHORAGE, AK (US) – Sat Nov 18, 3 pm, MLK Living Memorial (L St & 9th Ave). Info:

Sunday, November 19

NEWCASTLE, ENGLAND – Sun Nov 19, 12 pm, Northumberland St. Info:
SHERBROOKE, QUEBEC – Sun Nov 19, 3 pm, Marche de la Gare (every week)
TOKYO, JAPAN – Sun Nov 19, 12:00pm, Hibiya Open-air Music Hall. Twitter post (Japanese):; Twitter post: (English):

Saturday, November 25

GEELONG, AUSTRALIA – Sat Nov 25, 12 pm, 115 Moorabool St, march to Marles’ ministerial office. Info:

How do we respond to repression, and rise to the occasion to stand with the Palestinian people and their resistance on the front lines confronting colonialism and Zionism, particularly the Palestinian prisoners‘ movement? With organizing and action!

If you have considered joining Samidoun or launching a chapter in your area, please respond to this email ( or message us on social media! (Twitter, Instagram). Let’s get stronger and build a more united movement!

We need your support to continue to expand and build our work for Palestine! To make a donation to Samidoun via check (in the United States), send your check to:

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If you are not in the United States and would like to make an online contribution, please reply to this email for multiple options, including etransfer and other instant payment options.

Thank you for your support!

Samidoun chapters, affiliates and links around the world:

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Samidoun Occupied Palestine
Samidoun Gothenburg (Sweden)
Samidoun Stockholm (Sweden)
Samidoun Malmo (Sweden)
Samidoun España
Collectif Palestine Vaincra (France)
Samidoun Paris Banlieue
Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine
Samidoun Brussels
Samidoun Netherlands
Samidoun Greece
Samidoun Deutschland
Samidoun Hungary
Samidoun Toronto
Samidoun Ottawa
Samidoun Vancouver
Samidoun NY/NJ
Samidoun Seattle
Samidoun Albuquerque
Samidoun Brasil
Samidoun Manchester
Samidoun Iran
ACTA (France)
Palestina Libre Murcia
Anti-Imperialist Action Ottawa
Center for Study and Preservation of Palestine - Portland
HIRAK: Palestinian Youth Mobilization (Germany)

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network has chapters and affiliates in the United States, Canada, Germany, France, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, Spain, Palestine and Lebanon and we work with groups around the world. Would you like to form a local chapter or become an affiliate? Contact us at

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Alternately, checks and money orders may be written and mailed to:

225 E. 26th St., Ste. 1
Tucson, A.Z. 85713-2925